Our mission

Helping organizations reconcile economic performance with humanity, by using innovation in a "non-dogmatic" way.

Aneo mission
Vision Aneo

Aneo's markers

People first
People first

Ensuring a constant balance between
human and economic

Flat organization
Flat organization

Be a flat organization with very little

R&D at the heart
R&D at the heart

Put R&D at the heart of the model and look for blue oceans and complexity

Culture and organization

How can one align oneself with this purpose ?

Aneo has long since embraced new forms of organization, such as liberated companies, sociocracy and opal companies, believing that its ultimate goal is to build an organization that unleashes both individual potential (the uniqueness of each person) and collective intelligence.

A vast subject! It's all about "living" and "deciding" together. The result is open governance, profit-sharing, management, trust and many other subjects on which Aneo is constantly experimenting. We have opted for a "horizontal" organization with very little hierarchy, no individual bonuses and based on communities.

culture and organization

Our convictions

We believe that the impossible is simply a problem that hasn't yet been solved.

Like the Greeks, we believe that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts", that the intelligence of the collective will always be greater than the sum of the intelligence of each individual.

We believe that business has a societal role to play, and that the sole maximization of profit to the detriment of the planet and human beings is a mistake.

Our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) application

Going beyond the quest for profit means CSR.

The question of our impact on society and the environment becomes an objective in its own right for our organization. The idea is to infuse this approach with real action. In this way, we are redefining what it means to be a successful company by placing sustainability at the heart of our strategy, while challenging established processes.

We apply this transformative approach, which aims to create a positive impact on both economic and social levels, to ourselves, and in concrete terms, we act on 4 levers:

  • Our employees, through a relationship of trust and reciprocity.
  • Our customers, whom we help to think differently
  • The community, through our commitment to our ecosystem
  • The environment, through responsible management
Les 4 leviers de notre engagement - EN (1)
Ecovadis Silver

Our Silver medal in the Ecovadis assessment

EcoVadis, the world leader in CSR evaluation standards, placed us in the Top 25% of companies evaluated, with a score of 64/100.

This medal is not just a one-off recognition of which we are proud. It is rather the consequence of an ongoing commitment by our organization, since 2019:

  • to implement ethical practices
  • to reduce our environmental footprint
  • make a positive contribution to society

A flattened, empowered company

At Aneo, transformation is history. A 100% turnaround in 2014, based on the observation that the hierarchical, siloed organization was no longer delivering enough value to customers, the organization or its employees.


The Aneo "transfo" is the story of deconstruction:

  • The end of hierarchical links and the introduction of new roles such as leader, coach and mentor.
  • The end of business units, replaced by circles of competence free to be created, joined and led.
  • Free days to work on valuable internal projects
  • Setting up variable compensation
  • Making employees responsible for taking days off
Using the Syntec classification method, our Professional Equality Index for 2023 is 85.
We have preferred to communicate a Professional Index of 80 using a different method of job classification, internal to our company. This rating obliges the company to take corrective measures.
ANEO is thus committed to eliminating the pay discrepancies observed, which it has already done in the course of 2024. Vigilance will be maintained, and the whole company will be made aware of and mobilized on the subject.

Our employees' initiatives

The commitment of our employees is expressed both internally and externally through initiatives. From kitesurfing to round-the-world tours, from students to professionals, all initiatives are promoted through our communities.

  • Professionals
  • Stduents
  • Sports
Aneo people

What is the Aneo touch ? 

If you feel creative, direct and without bullshit, but as attentive to people and the planet as you are to your customer, then you have the same culture as we do.