Advanced Computing
Technologies are changing the world; they can be as worrisome as they are life-saving. Beyond new languages, it is computing power that is pushing back the boundaries of what is possible, enabling us to process more data or explore more scenarios.
Ever more complex architectures
...which will soon have to control their carbon footprint. The arrival of 'no code' and generative AI will probably split development needs into two main categories. On the one hand, business needs will be increasingly addressed by AI and 'no-code', and on the other, purely technological needs will be addressed by highly specialised experts, which is where our team comes in.
Aneo, solutions for all your projects
High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems are used to design the cars we drive, discover new life-saving drugs and calculate financial risks.
How are they used? By rapidly solving advanced problems and carrying out research activities through computer modelling, simulation and analysis.

Cloud computing is your best friend when it comes to accelerating innovation. Managing complex tasks such as aircraft design requires the use of digital simulations instead of real-world experiments. Cloud computing offers the opportunity to explore new use cases that you wouldn't have dreamt of in a traditional budget environment.
We help you find the best operating model (pure pay-per-use model, by the second) to take advantage of the vast opportunities offered by Cloud Computing in terms of innovation, performance and time-to-market. So don't worry, we've got you covered.

Forget robots taking control of humanity for a second. Artificial intelligence is not just a buzzword. The possibilities are endless and the use cases are ready to be activated.
We are teaching machines to do many things, such as reading (natural language or NLP / NLU), vision (image processing, convolutional or generative neural networks) and business data interpretation (semi-structured and unstructured data, or time series). But above all, we are working to make Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science a set of tools that are accessible, effective and tailored to your business objectives.

High-performance computing
Aneo specializes in advanced technologies, particularly in high-performance computing, where we rank among the very first global partners of AWS and Google.
Yesterday on premise, today in the Cloud
Aneo is a partner with major cloud providers on Cloud and HPC (High-Performance Computing) topics.

Migrate your data with us
Reduce costs and boost innovation by transferring and modernizing your applications and data to AWS.
" Service, advice and solutions for more HUMAN and CREATIVE approaches"