Technical and organizational audit of a digital simulation platform

Daher is a family-owned French group operating in 3 business areas: aircraft manufacturing, aeronautical equipment & systems and logistics & services.
Numerical simulation enables the Daher group to simulate complex physical phenomena in order to support aircraft design phases. As part of this, a computing cluster was set up in May 2016 for 80 users spread across various sites across France. However, the use of this cluster presents numerous problems and does not meet users' expectations, and the viability of the cluster is being called into question.
Our support
To carry out this audit, Aneo set up a global approach with an in-depth technical audit and, at the same time, an IT/business alignment approach to focus on usage, with a co-construction phase.
ANEO launched a major study in several stages:
- Interviews with stakeholders and editors
- Choir testing with users
- Workshops with users, IT and business departments
- Implementation of a centralized log system and analysis
- Formalization and prioritization of actions with IT and business departments
In brief, 6-week assignment on 4 sites in France, 33 people met, 15 interviews, 3 hierarchical levels, 12 workshops (users, editors, IT/business)

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