Supporting the transformation of DDTE

Managerial transformation Industry & Services
Publié le 29 janvier 2020


The Est Ensemble Departmental Directorate of Labor and Employment is implementing a participative approach to managerial transformation and, after 2 years, felt the need to formalize and clarify it to make it more robust and sustainable, and to promote it both internally and externally.

Our support

After gathering the experiences and managerial practices of employees of all grades and departments during interviews and workshops, we created a toolbox of inspiring practices that give concrete form to the DDTE approach and mark out the employee journey: agents will find detailed outlines of meetings with participative ODJs, stories of collective reworking of organization charts, participative workshop guides... This toolbox has been enriched by practices developed within the DDTE by ANEO expertise. The interviews also enabled us to produce a brochure and press kit to tell and promote the story of the DDTE and its approach, both within Est Ensemble and to its partners, towns and residents. Finally, a benchmark targeting players who have launched similar initiatives enables them to anticipate actions aimed at promoting the approach externally.

Adèle et Sarah nous ont accompagnés pendant plusieurs mois. Alliant leur déjà très riche expérience en matière de management innovant, leur capacité à comprendre et communiquer leurs expériences et celles des autres, et leurs talent d’animatrices de collectifs, elles ont non seulement réussi à répondre entièrement à notre besoin, mais elles ont également permis à notre collectif de s’approprier lui-même encore un peu plus ce projet managérial complexe, sur le chemin de l’amélioration continue. Au travers d’ateliers de réflexion, d’interviews, de réunions de co-construction (etc), Adèle et Sarah se sont montrées enthousiasmantes, patientes, convaincantes, pertinentes... Merci encore à elles !

Emilie NAHON
Directrice générale adjointe – Développement territorial et environnemental

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