Setting up a customer-focused development program

La Poste
HPC Driving Industry & Services
Publié le 05 février 2020


Since 2018, ANEO has been supporting Groupe La Poste as part of the La Poste 2020 program, a customer-focused development program.

As part of this program, Groupe La Poste is adopting a vision in line with its values, core missions and know-how. The Group is leveraging the convergence of its physical and digital networks to place the human factor and trust at the heart of its relationship with customers.

To achieve its ambitions, the Group has defined 5 priority projects. Aneo is involved in the “Knowledge of individual customers” project, which since 2019 has been extended to all segments: Individual, Professional and Business.

This project has two main objectives: to build a unique customer database, and to get to know our customers better in order to serve them more effectively.

Datalake Group

Spearheading the Joint Priority Project for Customer Knowledge, the Group Datalake came into being under the impetus of the Digital branch. Begun in mid-2016, this large-scale project aims to offer a range of services structured around a core component leveraging the most innovative technologies emerging from Big Data and AI.

The Data Lake team, in which ANEO is involved, is building an offering comprising products and services enabling the implementation of business uses for data.

Our support

Our support is multi-faceted and brings together a wide range of skills:

  • Program management:
In 2019, the Datalake Groupe service offering underwent a major change in the governance of its projects and the steering of the value provided to the whole Group.Today driven by Uses, all the project Roadmaps (Core, Sources, Heritage, Uses ... ) place at the center the value provided to the businesses and their customers.ANEO has been carrying this mission of leading the Datalake Groupe program since this transition, integrating the best practices of value steering.
  • Datalake Groupe functional architecture:

After 2 years of technology-led construction, in 2018 the Digital Branch wants to make the Datalake foundation a real gas pedal for Group uses, in line with its strategy and data regulations, while continuing its technological development in support of innovations, today mainly focused on AI. In order to draw up this vision of the foundation operationally, and lead its construction, ANEO is involved in the Functional Architecture of the Group Datalake, and has been guiding the Datalake's Technical and Application Architecture for 2 years now.

  • Product Owner customer knowledge :

Aneo is involved in the implementation of Data Science PoCs, serving new professions wishing to join the Group Datalake.

  • Data Management:

Having understood early on that a Datalake could not be built without including a Data Management team within its competencies, the Digital Branch is continuing to develop a team of Data Stewards, who are as expert in assisting professions in the use of data as they are in building a Data heritage through innovative technologies. For 2 years now, ANEO has been involved in this very specific area.

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