Making the IT department a trusted partner

Agility transformation Banking & Financial Services
Publié le 30 janvier 2020

Laying the foundations for an engaging and lasting transformation

The IT department of the support functions wants to review its operating methods in order to gain in efficiency and innovation, by repositioning itself as a source of proposals for its businesses.

Within the IT Group, the ITG_FIT department is made up of around 1,200 people (including 600 service providers and outsourced teams representing around 200 people). This department has already launched its transformation with varying degrees of success:

  • Rather local initiatives that do not have a lasting impact on the structure.
  • A lack of commitment from employees caught up in day-to-day business.
  • A first attempt at deploying agility that failed to convince due to a lack of resources and a lack of shared vision.

At this stage, the department, under the impetus of its CIO, wishes to go further by :

  • Developing a customer-oriented culture and a culture of innovation by making agility one of the vehicles of transformation, involving employees in a delivery logic focused on value and quality.
  • Simplifying and amending the regulatory framework to improve time-to-market.

Engaging employees in transformation

The ANEO and BNPP teams have worked to align the CoDir with a shared intention to transform.

This period also laid the foundations for incubators, an innovation vehicle for IT at the service of its business lines, enabling certain less mature business subjects to be accelerated and technological innovations and services to be offered to ISD customers.

In February 2017, a plenary session organized by the transformation teams was held to share this vision and show the first projects launched in an offbeat mode, facilitating understanding of the issues and increasing the impact in the collective mind, thus inspiring others to contribute

Les plus

  • Frame the transformation in all its dimensions with the CoDir to align urgency, vision and convergent expectations of the organization.
  • Involve employees in the first cross-functional initiatives sponsored by the CoDir, which are presented at the employee launch and onboarding plenary sessions.
  • Multiply local initiatives on agility, innovation and customer relations to demonstrate the added value of new ways of working.
  • Bring the transformation process back down to the operational groups, in front of their business lines, to take better account of the Group's global challenges, and gradually integrate the transformation into the governance of these ISD entities, making it even more operational.
  • Impact the regalian framework and processes that are becoming a brake on existing initiatives and delivery efficiency.
  • Derive a hierarchical organization adapted to the challenges of today and tomorrow, favoring disengagement and alignment with the business lines.

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