Improving the customer experience

FIEV is the professional federation of automotive equipment manufacturers. Its 150 members range from family-run SMEs to major international groups.
Its role is to carry out studies, support members in the face of the sector's many transformations (regulatory, technological, etc.), make proposals for changes in public policy and promote the image of the automotive equipment industry.
Following the arrival of a new President, FIEV decided to carry out a study on the member experience in order to explore innovative services and identify ways of improving member relations.
Our support
We first immersed ourselves in the member experience through interviews, surveys and lunchtime discussions with members. This immersion phase enabled us to identify members' priority expectations and the main irritants in the member experience.
Through a collaborative relationship with members of the Board of Directors, we explored a dozen innovative service concepts. Following the results of the study, we helped FIEV's management define a new, more member-oriented organization. Our joint work also highlighted the need for FIEV to develop a new raison d'être that would unite members around shared ambitions.
- Definition of a new raison d'être that integrates sustainable development
- Identification of avenues for innovation based on a multi-criteria analysis
- Rationalization of FIEV's service offering around 3 higher value-added activities
- Reorganization of teams in line with key activities
- Creation of a new member relations and business development function

Companies often call in outside experts or consultants, to have a third party tell them what is known internally, but difficult or impossible to implement.
The FIEV approach was quite different. The need for a detailed, objective analysis in a constrained context with a strong historical imprint was real.
Aneo's responsiveness, methodology, availability and ability to listen objectively were first-rate assets. But beyond that, and beyond the relevance of the findings, the attitude of all the members of Aneo, imbued with a great knowledge of human relations, always linked to the notion of performance, and the courage of the experts to convey a truth that is sometimes difficult to hear, enabled all the members of the FIEV to become aware of the situation, and then to take a deep look at themselves in order to pragmatically place the “member experience” at the heart of daily actions and strategy.
Listening, objectivity, courage, availability, competence, experience and respect for deadlines, thank you Aneo and bravo!
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