Development of the information system

Mutuelle de la Ville de Paris et de l’APHP
IT Consulting Insurance & Social Security
Publié le 29 janvier 2020

Project details

Mutuelle 45, which manages the compulsory and supplementary health insurance scheme for some of the employees of the City of Paris and public assistance hospitals, MCVPAP needed to put its information system into perspective, not only in terms of technological challenges, but also and above all in terms of its strategic and economic stakes.

To meet these challenges, we carried out a prospective study, highlighting several scenarios in order to choose the best possible future for the mutual's information system.

We conducted this study with the participation of all stakeholders, including the presidency, general management, departments, users and IT specialists. All possible areas were examined through the prism of the mutual's values and ambitions. The Board of Directors then had the opportunity to make an informed decision, enabling the first projects to be launched with a view to achieving tangible results in the short-to-medium term.

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