Agile transformation of the IT Department

Agility transformation Industry & Services
Publié le 29 janvier 2020


In 2018, software publisher Isagri decided to embark on an agile transformation of its 200-strong IT department. The employees felt that the production processes were outdated and cumbersome, leaving too little room for adaptation. At the same time, management wanted to make employee empowerment one of the cornerstones of the company's 5-year project. It was against this backdrop that the decision was taken to make the transition to agile approaches.

Aneo was commissioned to support ISAGRI's agile transformation.

Initially, this change of approach was tested on a single production line: sales management.

Several obstacles were identified:

  • The production process for this product line had existed for around ten years. Despite a few imperfections, it had proved its operability, creating a risk of resistance to change.
  • The other obstacle was a lack of familiarity with agile approaches. Few ISAGRI employees had ever worked in such an environment.

Our support

Aneo has supported the acculturation of ISAGRI employees, in particular through the intervention of a Senior Agile Coach. The team set up training, coaching and serious games. This has enabled them to learn about agility through experimentation and practice.

Aneo's approach has been to co-construct ISAGRI's own agility, by making each employee a player in its transformation, involving them in a major rethink of the organisational model.

Given the success of its adoption of the agile approach, Isagri decided to extend its transformation to two other product lines, representing 60% of the technical workforce.

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