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cas client - realiser-audit-infrastructure-cloud-google-cloud-platform
Audit your cloud infrastructure with Google Cloud Platform
We audited Madgic's cloud infrastructure with Google Cloud Platform
cas client - accompagner-redefinir-strategie-business-proposition-valeur
Helping you redefine your business strategy and value proposition
We helped startup Qantev structure its value proposition and sales process.
cas client - ameliorer-experience-adherent
Improving the customer experience
We conducted a study of the member experience with the FIEV to identify new, innovative services.
cas client - pilotage-par-la-valeur-metier-activites-si
Value-Driven Project Management of IT activities
As a member of the Eurosystem, the Banque de France has three main missions: monetary strategy, financial stability and services to the economy.
cas client - faire-dsi-partenaire-confiance
Making the IT department a trusted partner
We helped an IT department transform a motivating work environment for its employees.
cas client - architecture-et-realisation-programme-changement-systeme-core-banking-pour-retail-france
Architecture and implementation of the “Core Banking” System Change Program for Retail France
The IT Modernization program is a strategic project for HSBC France, which aims to equip the French retail bank with the SAB software package, to replace in-house applications that have become obsolete and expensive to operate.
cas client - lancement-nouveau-site-internet-b2b
Launch of a new B2B website
In 2012, as part of its digital strategy, Les Cinémas Pathé Gaumont wanted to offer a new service to its “Enterprise” customers via the launch of a B2B e-commerce site.
cas client - renovation-plateforme-calcul-risques
Renovation of a risk calculation platform
We helped a major insurance company renovate its risk calculation platform. The success of this project was due in no small part to Aneo Consultants' expertise in calculations, recognized by the market.