Scale and Modernize
Financial Services Applications

Capital Markets face multiple and huge challenges, that directly impact their risk calculations

Regulatory Demands for Risk Management

Regulators require frequent complex simulations with enhanced resiliency and security measures.

Demanding Cost-Effective, Low-Carbon Systems

Business have a huge pressure on costs of operations and start asking for carbon low systems

New Products Require Pricing Beyond Monte Carlo

Researchers invent new products for clients, asking more complex pricing than just Monte-Carlo​

IT Risk Systems: Obsolete and Outdated

Existing IT risk systems are becoming obsolescent or are locked with end-of-life components​

Current Risk Systems are reaching their limits.

ArmoniK is the right open source alternative to replace Datasynapse and Symphony!

Distribute and Orchestrate Massive Computations
Scale the performance and elasticity with hybrid clouds
Express any kind of parallel algorithms
Modernize obsolete products like Datasynapse or Symphony

They chose ArmoniK to replace DataSynapse and Symphony

« After few months of project we successfully deployed ArmoniK on our daily risks on AWS, first time for us in the cloud !

Marcel Phan

Deputy Head of Capital Markets IT, CA-CIB

« Leveraging AWS cloud power for our risks computation, while replacing DataSynapse by ArmoniK was a real challenge and we succeeded in one year and a half. »

Head of Equity IT, CA-CIB

Client success stories


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Migration from DataSynapse to ArmoniK: Equity IT's Journey
Equity IT at Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (CA-CIB) faced significant challenges with their existing grid computing infrastructure, which relied on TibCo DataSynapse.
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Migration from Symphony to ArmoniK: GMD's Journey
GMD (Global Markets Division) at Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (CA-CIB) relied heavily on IBM Symphony for their grid computing needs.
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Implementing a molecular docking method on Google Cloud Platform
Université Paris Diderot have implemented a molecular docking method on Google Cloud Platform.

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